Reflective Searching

I am a confident and able searcher.  I do proceed with caution when allowing others to gain access to my information online.  I am able to retrieve the information I need without having to get help from a teen!  Yes, we are all members of the Google generation to a certain extent.  Teens and kids growing up these days are more accessible to the Internet.

My typical search pattern is known as a checking information seeker. I am a person who reads the first bits and pieces of the information to decide whether or not I need to continue reading the certain selection.  I am a little less capable of using the Internet as today’s teens.  The teens are able to connect and working quickly using the Internet and its resources. 

Filter bubbles are mostly created by the search engines you use to create a search on information.  You can avoid them by searching on a different search engine each time you search or using a website called Duck Duck Go as a search median.   

1/26/2014 10:02:39 am

I do think that teens today are able to connect quickly to the internet and its resources. However, my fear is that the information that they sometimes receive comes from sources that are not credible or reliable. I think we need to take the time to teach them how to closely evaluate the information that they receive.

S. Williams
1/27/2014 11:07:15 am

I agree that is easier to access information on the web, than it is to put your personal information online. I am a very private person, so I am hesitant when it comes to using online resources that require personal information or that leave personal "fingerprints". I feel that internet is a valuable tool when used with the appropriate training and common sense.

Jessica Kirkland
1/28/2014 11:28:01 am

I agree that the younger generations are more accessible to the internet and search engines. It surprises me sometimes to see my young third graders know so much about a computer to be so young. Just as you, I also read the first few lines of information when doing my research online. I always worry about information be reliable.

Kelly Chester
1/30/2014 08:14:40 am

I agree that I am also a confident and able searcher, but I have to admit that I am a lazy searcher. I am like most teens and want quick and easy - instant gratification.


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    I am currently a stay at home mom. I was middle school teacher for 6 years in Paulding County, GA.  I received a Master's degree in Middle Grades Mathematics from Piedmont College.


    January 2014

